Lead Teacher: Daneequa Felder

Farm Friends classroom is form ages 4 to 5 years old (4K). This classroom advances at the beginning, and end of the school year (like Kindergarten) Ages listed to start or move on to the next classroom are estimated, and placement is based on development, and what is best for your child first and foremost.

Overview of 4K Full Day Classroom


We believe in children learning through play. All classrooms are child-centered and children learn skills through playing in “centers” such as blocks, science, reading, art, home living, sensory play, singing, and writing. The books  Creative Curriculum, by Diane Dodge, is used as a reference.

Licensing and Accreditation:

Living Springs Preschool is a Christian Preschool accredited by the NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Childhood), we also have an ABC Quality rating of  A+. For detailed information on all Living Springs Licensing and Accreditation.

Full Day Hours:Farm Friends222

  • Full day hours are 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Monday to Friday.

Class Size:

Child to teacher ratio is 8 children to 1 teacher. Max in Farm Friends classroom is 2 teachers to 16 children.

Farm Friends Classroom Full Day

In this program children will learn the skills they need for Kindergarten. The children learn letters and numbers by a whole concept of understanding them. Parents will see projects where your child deciphers and investigates. Most of all they will learn through play. There is also learning through basic fun cooking skills. Link classes cooking.

palyarea22A Day In Farm Friends:

  • Students wash their hands
  • Center Time (awating all arivals)
  • Morning Snack
  • Circle Time includes “Pledge of Allegiance”, books, weather, topic of the week
  • Outside Time
  • Writing at the Table
  • Lunch
  • Rest Time
  • Table Activity
  • Center Time
  • Outside Play until Pick-Up
  • Chapel Once a week the children attend with lots of singing. The children learn about God’s grace and love. Parents get a handout each week about the Bible verse they talked about in Chapel.


We provide Milk and snacks for all children at snack time.
Common snacks we have are fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, cheese, bread/crackers.


Lunchtime is between 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Children eat in their classrooms. Parents please provide a nutritional lunch. We ask parents to cut up food into appropriate size pieces, so the food is not a choking hazard, like grapes, and hot dogs. Please do not pack food that young children are likely to choke on such as peanuts, popcorn and hard candy.


Needed Supplies:

  • water bottle
  • changes of clothes
  • sweater or jacket for outside time (weather appropriate)
  • packed lunch (full day only)
  • sheet and blanket for naptime cot (full day only)
    parents take home once a week to wash
  • Please label all item
  • Please spare some family pictures for your child’s classroom.
  • Sunscreen

Sun Block, Medications:

We ask parents to apply sunscreen on their child in the morning, and your child’s teacher will reapply sunscreen as needed throughout the day. Anything we apply to your child’s skin, or medications need a doctor’s authorization. Any types of medication, Benadryl, EpiPen, sunscreen/sun block (we require SPF 30 or more). All require a doctor’s authorization, and form signed by the parent. Pediatricians offices fill these forms out often. One will be given to you from LSLCPS staff for your convenience.


More Class:

LSLC CDC  also offers extracurricular classes. Right now we offer Soccer Shots, and Dance. For information on time and price of each class please contact LSLC CDC.  

Overview of All Teachers:

We have a Staff and Teacher Biography Wall, located in the main hallway of our  preschool. Just like a LinkedIn or Facebook Profile, it gives basic information about each person working here. One thing listed is their favorite children’s book. As of right now only two teachers have the same favorite. Here is an overview of the requirements for everyone on the wall working here at LSLC CDC .

Child Care Experience

Each staff member or teacher must have 6 Months or more experience in a licensed facility before they can work at LSLC CDC

Number of Years at Living Springs Child Development & ASC

We opened our doors 12 years ago, and our staff members’ tenure ranges between a few months to as many as 11 years.


We encourage education at lslccdc. If you look at our Bio Wall you will see many of our staff working on Associates Degrees, Bachelors, and even Masters Degrees. We require every member of our staff to have a high school diploma. South Carolina Law requires 15 hours continuing education for teachers and 20 hours for Administration each year. lslccdc requires teachers and administrators each to have an additional 5 hours of continuing education (for a total of 20 and 25 hours, respectively).

CPR and First Aid Certificationfirst aidcpr certified

We require each staff member to be CPR and First Aid Certified.
South Carolina State Law only requires a few staff members to have this training. We believe that the health and well-being of each child comes first, which is reflected in our more stringent requirements.

Additional Requirements

Put simply, we only hire staff and teachers who want to educate children and help encourage positive behavior. Since we also strongly encourage our teachers to pursue their educational dreams, some of our teachers move on to other opportunities in our community. In a few years you may see your child’s lslccdc Teacher at your child’s grade school as a teaching assistant or Counselor. In addition, we also conduct background checks on every teacher and staff member before they can be hired at lslccdc. This includes finger prints used to check all federal and state records.

View from Living Springs Church's Faith Hall. Overlooking one of Living Springs Preschool & ASC playgrounds.
View from Living Springs Church’s Faith Hall. Overlooking one of Living Springs Child Developement & ASC playgrounds.

For many parents choosing our school, the Spiritual part maybe the most important part, or a small part of your child’s care and education. As a Lutheran school there is a certain element of Spirituality we look for in each and every staff member and teacher. Once a month, the entire staff has a prayer lunch together. The staff say prayers with the children before each meal, every day. Once a week, the staff also attends Chapel with the children. Once a year, we honor and celebrate all our staff with a Sunday Installation Service at Living Springs Lutheran Church. This past year, the preschool children sang during the service and each staff member was presented with a dinner for their families.

Parent Partnership

One of the LSLC CDC goals is to support positive family life and work in partnership with parents to facilitate the growth and development of their children. Parents are valued, respected, and encouraged to participate in all aspect of the program. lslccdc we encourage our parents to visit any time, we have an open door policy and encourages all parents to talk to their teacher or our Director with any questions, concerns or ideas.

For many parents this is a special transitional time in your child’s life and your family. Preschooler’s go from being big toddlers, to big kids ready for Kindergarten in a very short time. Living Springs Child Development Center wants to make this a great journey for your child and family. Thank you for considering Living Springs Child Development Center for your child’s education and care.

 Any question please call 803.736.0776 Living Springs Child Development Center

Special thanks to all our Preschool teachers and staff for sharing all their classroom information with us here at lslccdc.org .