Ocean Room Lead Teacher: Karin Reed

Karin is the lead teacher of the infants in Ocean Room. Ms Karin has twenty four years of childcare experience and has worked at LSCDC/ASC for Twenty years. Karin earned her CDA and Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Development, specializing in infant/toddler care.


Ocean Room Helpers: The ladies help out as needed in the mornings, at lunch times and in the afternoons.

Weekly Update:.


The younger infants are working on their rolling over and scooting skills.

The older infants are exploring their environment by cruising, crawling and walking. Time to adjust the classroom for all our new walkers- Ocean Room is becoming very mobile.

We also encourage basic sign language skills to help infants with their emotional and language development. We have a chart posted with easy to learn signs.

Room update

We rotate our art, block, dramatic play and music activities weekly; toys are updated as necessary to enhance play and encourage exploration skills.

Please update your child’s spare clothing for the changing weather.

Be sure to have a look on your child’s daily sheets as well. This is our way of communicating with you on a daily basis by letting you know if your child needs anything.

We are now able to offer solids starting 4 months of age. Juice is not offered to children under 1 year of age. Please remember not to add anything to bottles other than formula or breast milk.

Please let me know if you would like to meet with me at any time to discuss your child’s development.

Thanks for everything you do,
